Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Want Smooth Hair??.....Here's How!!

So everyone wants super smooth silky hair. You could go to the hair salon and spend hundreds of dollars a month on Keratin treatments and special shampoos and conditioners....or you can just use this awesome little mix to put on your hair and get smooth silky polished hair.

1.)Mix together 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar along with 1 teaspoon of Glycerin.
2.) Mix these ingredients together until they are smooth!
3.) Add into this mix a beaten egg.
4.) Mix these ingredients together REALLY well.
5.) Add in 2 Tablespoons of Cater Oil.
6.) When you apply the mask, apply it onto the entire length of your hair.
7.) Place on your head, a plastic cap and wrap your head up with a towel.
8.) Leave this mask on your hair for 2 hours.
9.) After the 2 hours are up, wash your hair using shampoo.
10.) This mask should be done 2 times a week for one month!
11.) After this 1 month, masks can be used just to maintain that smoothness in your hair so apply the mask one time every 2 weeks.

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