Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Chicken Coop

We decided that our first little project to introduce you to us by is our new little chicken coop. We have always had chickens but haven't had any in a few years, and so we decided that we would get some more!! YAY!! So this is the beginning of our coop! We will update you on the progress along the way. Now we got the idea to make this a very plush and cute chicken coop and that is exactly what this will be! This is basically the framework of our project and we have the advantage of a contractor in the family so Dad (Mike) is doing this for us. We recently had a close family friend who is having severe problems with clotting throughout his body offer to give us his chickens because sadly he cannot be around them anymore. He's had 2 amputations on his legs and is about to have more on his arms. :( So this is why we are doing this. We will keep you posted and we hope you get some great ideas from this it's super cute and for small kids this is an awesome farm animal to get because they really are low maintenance!

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